March 22, 2017
The ocean view as seen from the monorail is quite a sight! As we started our last full day at Tokyo DisneySea, we had a LARGE list of things we still needed to see. The trouble with TDR and just Japan, in general, is that you'll never be able to experience it all. This was our catch up day.
Goodbye 15th Anniversary event! I definitely missed those gorgeous decorations.
A morning greeting from the incredible Maritime band.
While in Aquasphere Plaza, look out for some familiar faces. I've waited so long to see Minnie in this adorable DisneySea outfit.
Some cute little troublemakers
And a big Goof.
Although we had a lot to accomplish, we stopped for a quick breakfast at Mamma Biscotti's Bakery (MY FAVORITE!)
I would absolutely recommend this Yaki Karē Pan. I enjoyed this so much that I've tried to make it at home a few times.
On our way to Mermaid Lagoon, we stopped to appreciate this large masonry wall in between Mysterious Island and the Mediterranean Harbor. At first we were curious why everyone was pointing while observing the wall, but as it turns out there's lots of hidden stone Mickey's.
I was fortunate enough to receive this cute little Flounder crossbody bag from Danielle Nicole! Initially when DN reached out to me, I knew I would have the perfect opportunity to showcase this bag at Mermaid Lagoon.
DN has really expanded their collection since I got this Flounder and I think they're worth checking out. Personally, the bag itself wasn't big enough to fit everything I needed for the day, but I usually carry more when I'm in Japan. I also changed the strap because I wasn't a big fan of the chain.
The sequin mesh fabric is one of my favorite things about this bag because they look like scales.
Luckily, he matched my coat.
One night when we were relaxing in Ariel's Grotto, a very sweet Cast Member approached us and handed us maps to Ariel's Playground. She was also kind enough to point out this adorable Chip in Ariel's collection, which I had never noticed before.
And if you stand in the right spot, you'll see Sebastian gazing into the Grotto.
True love's kiss? ♡^▽^♡
He needed a new accessory, right?
I mentioned earlier that we received a map of Ariel's Playground and this is very similar. Some sections might be a little intense for younger children and I admit that the Galleon Graveyard took me by surprise. While this is a play area for kids, I believe it's also a nice place to sit down and relax! Near Ariel's playground are some benches that have these really neat bubble windows. Another location that I enjoy (obviously) is the Grotto because the area loop is especially calming.
While you're at Mermaid Lagoon I would recommend checking out the shops if you're a fan of the Little Mermaid. Specialty items are usually location specific and this is the one place to find everything Ariel and friends related!
There are 3 different shops within Mermaid Lagoon, including The Sleepy Whale (the store's entrance is the Whale's mouth!), Mermaid Treasures, and Kiss De Girl Fashions (featuring an art nouveau theme).
Kiss De Girl Fashions has the cutest jackets and the nicest Cast Members. I was searching for a very specific item and about three different girls looked all over the store to find it.
Here's the cute baby Ariel handkerchief I picked up.
I will need to make a separate post about Sebastian's Calypso Kitchen, but I'd recommend visiting this as well. While I fully believe there are better places to eat at Tokyo DisneySea, this place has its charm. The creamy scallop sandwich seemed to be the popular item there and I enjoyed the seafood chowder, as well.
A visit in Mermaid Lagoon wouldn't be complete without one (or two!) sea salt ice cream monaka. Best frozen treat I've ever tried ٩(*ゝڡ◕๑)۶♥
Sadly, the cutest popcorn cart at DisneySea carries the most basic popcorn flavor of all: sea salt...
Off to the Arabian Coast!
The Arabian Coast and Mermaid Lagoon are within a short walking distance. Honestly, if you cannot find it, just follow the smell of curry popcorn.
The Transit Steamer Line offers a unique perspective with two separate journeys to the American Waterfront and Lost River Delta.
Sometimes in Tokyo DisneySea, it is easy to feel lost and completely swallowed by the park. That's the thing, it is truly an immersive experience. I know Disney loves the term "immerse", but TDS is the only park that truly eliminates the outside noise and creates this unbelievable grandiose world (with hardly any forced perspective structures that WDI is so fond of...) The lands are an adventure in themselves, the architecture is unlike any you've seen at Disney before, and the theme is so rich and established. There are a few times when I felt impacted by this; the first was when we first entered Tokyo DisneySea and the second time was when I stepped foot into the heart of the Arabian Coast.
Home to the incredible Chandu Tail and delicious creamy curry soup!
This is not a glorified Dumbo attraction. It's a work of art.
Don't be mistaken, while this is very similar to The Magic Carpets of Aladdin, Jasmine's Flying Carpets could easily put him out of business.
The spinning double peacock and water is just stunning even though it's an illusion!
They even have an upper deck for guests, which is a prime spot to take photos of your family.
At night this attraction comes to life with gorgeous colors.
There are three other notable attractions in the Arabian Coast, but none of them can compete with Sinbad's Storybook Voyage.
Here fantasy and adventure collide in a storybook setting with over 100+ audio-animatronics, which makes this easily my favorite ride at Tokyo DisneySea.
Sinbad's Storybook Voyage combines It's a Small World charm, the mystery of El Rio Del Tiempo, and all the excitement of Journey Into Imagination to the tune of "Compass of Your Heart" composed by Alan Menken.
Get ready to set sail!
Chandu is his own little personality and steals the show.
One could argue that the apes are quite scary in this scene, but the yummy banana scent more than makes up for it.
As I mentioned before, Sinbad's Storybook Voyage fills you with the same kind of excitement as Pirates of the Caribbean or The Haunted Mansion. While you’re experiencing the journey with Sinbad and Chandu, you can’t help but wonder, “What will happen next?”
Since we were limited on time, we didn't spend much time in Lost River Delta unfortunately.
Although I would've loved to ride Raging Spirits, we couldn't spare 120 minutes in line. Here's a cute video of their interactive warning sign.
This greeting and sign is such a hoot! And if you're in the area visit Miguel's El Dorado Cantina for their melon soda (it has chia seeds in it!)
Now onto the American Waterfront where we planned to grab dinner with Gelatoni. And by that I mean, “wait outside in a 45 minute line.”
As a self-proclaimed Duffy (and friends) fan, 45 minutes was absolutely worth it!
In order to enjoy My friend · Duffy, there are a few things to keep in mind:
1. This is entertainment + a meal. You must eat in order to enjoy the show. If you’re not the biggest fan of the Cape Cod · Cook off menu then you can always order a dessert instead.
2. The seating is first come, first serve, but a Cast Member will escort you to your seat. If you don’t like where you end up, you can always move once the show has ended.
3. You are allowed a certain amount of time once seated. The time limit actually allowed us to watch both shows twice. Although, if you’re like me and only care about photos then you may not have enough time to rest/eat.
If you’re not too familiar with My friend · Duffy, it was originally the story of how Duffy came to be. Since then Duffy’s popularity and inner circle has grown. Now you can experience two different shows at the Cape Cod · Cook off: “The Birth of Shellie May”, which is self explanatory and “My Sweet Home”, in which Gelatoni is welcomed into the Duffy family.
My friend · Duffy “My Sweet Home” was actually the first time Gelatoni was given a voice and as you can imagine, he doesn’t waste it!
Some of Gelatoni’s travel stickers indicate time he spent at Mediterranean Harbor from his first debut in “Come Join Your Friends”.
Minnie and Shellie's new outfits in this show are by far the best.
Shellie May and Duffy are just the cutest in their matching uniforms.
Together again: Shellie May, Gelatoni, and Duffy!
Minnie’s rare purple dress can only be seen during “The Birth of Shellie May”.
During this show, Duffy feels left out, and write a message in a bottle asking for a friend.
This is Shellie May’s namesake.
Mickey and Minnie work together this time and focus all their love on creating the perfect friend for Duffy. This begs the question, “Are Shellie May and Duffy siblings?”
Once we finished, we walked outside to Cape Cod Confections for Happy Friends mochi! Shellie May was a blueberry flavor and Duffy was chocolate. While the texture was different than most mochi served at TDR, the fillings were unique.
Sometimes I find it hard to believe that the actual ocean is on the other side of this wall. There’s no other Disney park quite like this.
Hotel Hightower aka the infamous Tower of Terror
Unlike Florida and California, the Tower of Terror is not based on The Twilight Zone (or GOTG), which makes this a truly unique expereience.
In this attraction, you’ll follow the story of the hotel’s owner, Harrison Hightower III, who stole an ancient idol. Of course, his greed caused a curse on his hotel, and you’re caught in the middle. I would absolutely recommend getting a Fast Pass (if available) because this is a huge fan favorite.
Try this out!
In 2016, we attempted using the Mickey Mouse shaped soap dispenser and failed. Of course, we did this at night and had no idea what we were doing. This time around we figured it out.
Place your hand directly under the dispenser. You must touch the nozzle in order for the shape to hold.
Pull away slowly to not disturb the shape. Yatta!
There’s also a sink next to the soap dispenser, but be sure to bring your own hand towel, but that’s just common practice in Japan.
Moments after this photo was taken, this teenage boy was wildly playing in the water despite the 40°F weather. All his friends were laughing, so it must have been worth it.
I can only assume that this must be very refreshing in the summer, but definitely not when it’s the middle of March.
As you can imagine, even the American Waterfront has a cute popcorn cart.
Black pepper popcorn was surprisingly delicious. More on that later!
We only passed through, due to the crowds, but the McDucks Department Store is simply gorgeous and a quick way to heat up. This is one of their outdoor window displays featuring Shellie May and Duffy (who I conveniently cut out).
Back to the Harbor.
Since a lot of the facade is painted around the harbor, I was confused whether or not this clock is real. It is, in fact, a real working clock and a gorgeous one at that.
Look at Mount Prometheus erupt! This stunning display really brings DisneySea to life.
As you can see, the McDuck’s Department store is just across the harbor. Somehow this is one of the few photos I have of the exterior. ●︿●
We ventured back to Mermaid Lagoon/Arabian Coast for a few photos with the pretty sky, although we arrived later than we wanted.
Since we are creatures of habit, we ended our evening at Fantasmic with a couple of our friends. I never tire of seeing Mickey ignite the sky.
Finally, thank you for reading this far, this was a long one. I can’t believe I’m almost at the end. It’s bittersweet, but also exciting because I’ll be able to contribute more variety to this blog.
Mary! (❛▿❛✿)