Growing up in the 90s, I experienced first-hand the unstoppable Pokémon frenzy that swept over the world. While I truly believed back then that someday I would be able to own a real-life Evee, in my adulthood I never expected to dine in a Pokémon themed cafe with Eievui dancing up and down the aisles. But I guess in Japan anything is possible.
The Pokémon Cafe was the first reservation I made upon booking my flight to Japan, and there’s no question why. Hand-crafted themed dishes served by Chef Pikachu - how could it possibly get any better?
If you’re interested in visiting the cafe yourself, it is necessary to have a reservation before arriving. However, there’s no need to stress because it fairly simple to arrange your visit on their website. Just be sure to bring a printed copy of your confirmation!
Just look at this menu!
Like many places in Japan, the Pokémon Cafe relies on the ease of technology to serve their guests. I particularly loved ordering from an iPad because it’s also available in English. Since each reservation is allotted a ninety-minute meal, your tab will stay open until the last sixty minutes, which means if you’re about as indecisive as me, you will benefit from this.
I do recommend splitting dishes as they can be filling, but it’s also a great way to sample a little bit of everything while you’re there. You also have the option to buy their original design plates and cups with your meal if you please.
Pikachu well spread plate
Pikachu curry full of energy
Eevee Teriyaki Chicken Burger
Strictly speaking based on the dishes that we ate, the Pokémon Cafe excelled at the presentation! My Pikachu curry wasn’t anything out of the ordinary in terms of flavor, but I was amused by every star-shaped veggie and delicately cut piece of nori. The well-spread plate, while cute as a button, didn’t hold a candle to the curry. My sister found the Eevee Teriyaki Chicken Burger enjoyable, especially the bun. As with most cafes, you are paying for the theme.
Jigglypuff Cheesecake
Pikachu Parfait
Honestly, the desserts at the Pokémon Cafe outshined the meal. The Jigglypuff cheesecake lived up to its name and jiggled on the plate. The cake was light, but not too sweet, and paired well with the whipped cream and fruit. My sister had the pleasure of eating the Pikachu parfait, which in her own words, saved her that day. Do I recommend going to the Pokémon Cafe for just desserts alone? Yes.
Pikachu latte
Eievui latte
Lattes are a dime a dozen, especially in Japan, but something about my latte stood out as one of my favorite lattes during my trip. Maybe it was Pikachu’s cute little face staring back at me, but the latte was perfectly rich, smooth, and just sweet enough. My only regret was not purchasing the matching mug.
During your meal, we also played a game with the staff member. With any purchase of a drink, you can pick a number, which gets you a souvenir drink coaster.
An honorable mention goes out to this visually-pleasing Gengar grape smoothie. Unfortunately, we had reached our fill when it came to drinks and desserts, but I am dying to try this if I am lucky enough to visit again.
What trip to the Pokémon Cafe would be complete without a visit from a little friend? I was thrilled our visitor was Eevee or Eievui, as they say in Japan.
Mid-way through our meal, Eievui came out to play and visit the guests of the cafe. I couldn’t have asked for better entertainment than Eievui hopping around the cafe to music and our cheers.
As expected, the Pokémon Cafe carried a large variety of goods to bring home. However, be advised that some pieces are only available for purchase while making your reservations online. If you’re looking for a Pikachu of another variety or perhaps any of the other Pokémon generations, the Pokémon Center Tokyo DX is just outside the exit of the cafe.
Although our time at the Pokémon Café came to an end, my sister and I agreed it was our favorite themed-cafe experience during our trip. It’s nostalgic, entertaining, and an absolute treasure if you’re a Pokemon fan.
You can check out their website and menu here @ the Pokémon Café
Till next time,
Mary! (❛▿❛✿)